Basic Well Log Analysis

Course Details

This is a course designed for geologists, geophysicists, petroleum engineers and other industry professionals who are interested to learn some basic log interpretation techniques. The course will teach the basic Petrophysical principles as well as techniques and procedures to interpret electric logs. At the end of the seminar the participant will be able to perform a quick interpretation in open hole for clean and shaley formations.

Once you have completed this course we recommend you enroll in either the Log Quality Control Seminar or the Advanced Log Analysis course.

Who Should Attend

Geologists, Geophysicists, Petrophysicists, Petroleum Engineers Petroleum Technicians and other professionals who are interested on a basic Petrophysical interpretation knowledge.

Need more information?

    Course Outline

    Day 1

    Introduction to well logging. Log classification according to measured properties. Auxiliary tools. Pressure and Temperature Interpretation.

    II. SP. Static Spontaneous Potential. Factors Affecting the SP. Applications. Anomalies. Rw Determination. Exercises

    III. Gamma Ray. Applications. Calibration. Spectral GR. Vshale Determination. Exercises

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    Day 2

    I. Resistivity Tools. Principles and Applications. Laterolog. Induction. Microresistivity tools. Environmental Corrections. Rt Determination. Exercises

    II. Nuclear Tools. Natural and Induced Radioactivity. Formation Density Tools. Principles and Applications. Compensated Neutron Tool. Environmental Corrections. Crossplot porosity determination. Log compatible scales. Exercises


    Day 3

    I. Compensated Sonic. Dipolar Sonic. Wave Propagation. Coherence Maps. Mechanical Properties. Sonic Porosity. Exercises
    II. Lithology Determination. Shale deposition types. Porosity and lithology from well logs. Applications. Exercises

    Day 4

    I. Crossplot utilization. Lithology Identification. Graphical interpretation using crossplots

    II. Saturation Determination. Archie Equation. Archie Parameters, Rw, m and n determination methods. Dual Water model. Saturation determination exercises

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    Day 5

    I. Complete well Evaluation Exercise
    II. Complete well Evaluation Exercise (continued)
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    This course will be offered in Denver, USA between August 24-28 in 2015. The course cost is $3900/person and includes course manual, handouts, exercise materials and lunch.

    Our location

    Our headquarters are twenty minutes away from downtown Denver and half an hour from the largest core facility in the United States. Or field office in Ouray allows us quick access to world-class outcrops in Utah and New Mexico.
