Tel: 720-434-3864
Regional structural styles of extension, contraction, strike-slip and inversion.
Exploration of Sediment-Hosted Metals
Shale Diagenesis
Unconventional Play Mapping and Risking
Trap Styles in Extensional Basins
Trap Styles in Fold and Thrust Belts I and II
Crash Course on Eolianite Reservoirs
Crash Course in Coal Geology
Exploration and Development of Shale
Conventional Play Mapping and Risking
Applications of Structural Domains
Structure Map Basics
Fractures 101
Exploration and Development of Clastic Reservoirs
Exploration and Development of Carbonate Reservoirs
Exploration Methods
Our headquarters are twenty minutes away from downtown Denver and half an hour from the largest core facility in the United States. Or field office in Ouray allows us quick access to world-class outcrops in Utah and New Mexico.
9729 Teller Lane, Westminster, CO 80021, USA
111 5th Street, Ouray, CO, 81427
+ (720) 434 – 3864
Skype: drjaffri