The archetypal Yerington District, western Nevada, hosts porphyry Cu(-Mo-Au) deposits, several Cu skarns and numerous Fe oxide-Cu(-Au) lodes within a middle Jurassic batholith and its overlying volcanic terrane. Late Cenozoic basin and range extensional faulting and associated fault block rotation has exposed a unique <1 to ~8 km palaeodepth cross-section through the district. This allows the 4-D architecture of the porphyry mineralising magmatic-hydrothermal system to be studied in detail.
Traversing the Yerington Batholith, this field course details the system’s magmatic-hydrothermal evolution. This includes exploring: the magmatic-hydrothermal transition; porphyry Cu(-Mo-Au) mineralisation and associated hydrothermal alteration; related skarns; deep Na-Ca alteration; the advanced argillic environment in the overlying volcanic terrane and associated Fe oxide-Cu(-Au) mineralisation. Drill core reviews will supplement observations from the field, and daily seminars will reinforce learning.
From their own first-order field observations in the world’s best-exposed section through a porphyry system, participants will have the opportunity to:
• Geologists • Mining Engineers • Managers• Geochemists • Geotechs
This course is designed for industry professionals who primarily focus on, or would like to develop their understanding of, magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Graduate students and academics are also welcome to join at a discounted rate.
The arrival airport for this field trip is in Reno, Nevada. The field trip will be offered in November 2024 and costs $4500/person*. This cost is all-inclusive and includes 5 nights hotel stay, all meals, snacks and drinks, field vehicles, fuel, permits, guidebook, exercise materials, and tuition.
*A 5% service fee is added to credit card payments. This fee can be avoided by sending a wire transfer or check.