we can help
If you are creating a geomodel we can assist by recommending algorithms for populating facies, we can also take your geomodeler to outcrops where they can better understand connectivity and compartmentalization
Need mining core described? how about assistance in exploring for sediment-hosted metals such as placer Gold, Silver, Platinum and Uranium? We have you covered!
We can design field trips catered to your business needs and find the best possible analogs. Send us a message and tell us a bit about your reservoir and the number of days you would like to spend looking at outcrops.
We can perform detailed geological evaluations or provide a quick-n-dirty pre-feasibility analysis of your acreage for Uranium, Vanadium, Rare Earth Elements, Copper and more.
Whether you want to get Potash or Rock Salt (Halite) core described or would like a Gypsum deposit mapped for cement we can do it for you.
Our team of experts have worked on mobile substrate basins across the globe. Whether you are dealing with shale tectonics in Nigeria or Salt Tectonics in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico give us a call.
Don't get stuck with yet another Exxon-style outdated seismic stratigraphy course! let us train you or assist you in the latest developments in seismic stratigraphy. We have a proven record of providing our clients with leads that resulted in discoveries.
We spend over 100 days out in the field every year. Looking at modern and ancient depositional systems in trenches and comparing those with world-class outcrops. This allows us to bring insight to core description that many of our competitors lack.
Our collective experience spans some of the top shale and tight-oil sandstone plays in the US including the Wolfcamp, Bone Spring, Avalon, Utica, Marcellus, Niobrara, Eagleford, Barnett, Bakken, Frontier, Parkman, Codell, and more.
Our structural geologists have highly diverse backgrounds from characterization of fractured reservoirs to seismic interpretation and geohazards. Don't miss our 2021 selection of online training in structural geology!
Fractures to facies - we have you covered
Whether you are interested in better understanding the effect of fractures on production in your reservoir or are wanting to populate facies into your geomodel, consider us a one-stop-shop for all your sub-surface needs.

Let our experts
assist you

Dr. Mario Guzman specializes in the formation of base and precious metal ores in epithermal mineral deposits. He has led field trips to several world-class intermediate- and high-sulfidation epithermal deposits in the San Juan Volcanic Field, Colorado. His doctoral research focused on hydrothermal fluid flashing and mineral precipitation in intermediate sulfidation epithermal vein deposits at Creede and Sunnyside, Colorado. As a visiting research geoscientist at Kyushu University in Japan, he studied low- and high-sulfidation epithermal deposits as well as mineral scaling in liquid-dominated geothermal fields. His research experience also includes investigations into mineral scaling at The Geysers vapor-dominated geothermal field in California and the analysis of volcanic gases from fumaroles in Ecuador. Dr. Guzman leads field trips in Colorado on epithermal deposits.
Dr. Mario Guzman

Dr. Joshua Long is currently a geologist with the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) in Anchorage, Alaska. He began his work with the DGGS after completing a Mendenhall post-doctoral fellowship with the U.S. Geological Survey in their Alaska Petroleum Systems Group working on research related to the sedimentology and stratigraphy of Cretaceous and Cenozoic strata in the Colville Basin. He completed his PhD at Coastal Carolina University in marine science, his MS in geology at Northern Arizona University, and his BS in geology at the University of Maryland, College Park. He also spent eight years with ConocoPhillips in Houston and Anchorage working in development, exploration, and subsurface technology roles. His current research focuses on the sedimentology, stratigraphy, and petroleum systems of Alaska, but maintains research interest in the Quaternary and modern depositional systems of the southeastern United States.
Dr. Josh Long

Dr. Lawrence Carter specialises in the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits, with expertise in integrating macro-scale field observations with multiple layers of micro-scale textural, geochemical and geochronological data. His PhD focused on unravelling the archetypal Yerington porphyry system of Nevada, with publications including a Scientific Reports’ ‘Top 100’ of 2022. After this he gained Post-Doc research experience on the EU Horizon 2020 GREENPEG project, developing exploration tools for Li pegmatites before moving back into consultancy, offering exploration and applied research services. Prior to developing his expertise in magmatic-hydrothermal systems, Lawrence worked for BP in Operations, Wellsite, and Well Planning geology roles after completing an MSc in Mining Engineering and BSc in Applied Geology at Camborne School of Mines. He continue to provide exploration and research consultancy services to major-, mid-tier-, and junior-mining companies around the globe.
Dr. Lawrence Carter

Dr. Tim Demko has with 37 years of experience and is an industry expert in sedimentology and stratigraphy. He was a technical leader and advisor at ExxonMobil's research lab and has broad international experience in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas. Tim’s specialties are deep water sedimentology, unconventional resources, and outcrop and core characterization. Tim leads our field schools on deepwater petroleum systems in California, the Pyrenees and Tabernas-Sorbas Basin of Spain.
Dr. Tim Demko

Dr. Cédric John is a carbonate geologist with over 20 years of experience. His specialty includes geochemistry and diagenesis of carbonate rocks, forward stratigraphic modelling, and application of machine learning and deep-learning to geological and stratigraphic problems. He has conducted field research and field teaching in North America, Europe and the Middle East. Dr. John will be leading field trips to Oman and teaching in-house courses on carbonate diagenesis and machine learning.
Dr. Cedric John
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“Very Good. Instructor good at explaining things and very pedagogic! Good thing to make us answer the questions. Makes us think!”
Geologist (Wintershall)
Katrine Osa
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